chimera nose
chimera nose


Chimera Rhinoplasty

ChimeranasalprosthesisimprovestraditionalsiliconemodelsbywrappingGoretexmaterialaroundthesilicone,combiningthesupportofsiliconewiththe ...

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Nose reshaping. Chimera rhinoplasty and ...

An enlarged nasal tip is also called a 'garlic nose' or 'wax apple nose'. This condition features flattening of the lower alar cartilage and surrounding tissue.

Rhinoplasty Information鼻部整形須知

人工材料包括: 矽膠(Silicone)、ePTFE(Gore-Tex)、聚乙烯(Medpore Polyethylene)、卡麥拉鼻模(Chimera-外層為Gore-Tex、內層為矽膠Silicone) 等。 在鼻整形中較常採用的自 ...

醫學新知- 卡麥拉鼻模的迷思Chimera Nasal implant

卡麥拉鼻模(Chimera nasal implant)為一複合式鼻模(Composite implant)。內層為矽膠(Silicone)核心,外層為聚四氟乙烯(ePTFE)俗稱(Gortex)的材質包膜。其有 ...

chimera Archives

目前常用的鼻樑植入物包括(1)矽膠鼻模(silicon),(2)戈爾特賜一體成型鼻模(gore-tex),(3)卡麥拉鼻模(Chimera)與(4)異體真皮。 矽膠隆鼻鼻模(silicon) 矽膠鼻模是歷史最悠久 ...

Nose Surgery | Wish Aesthetic Surgery Clinic

A Sili-Tex (Chimera) composite implant is a new-generation nasal prosthesis produced in the US and is also called a “hard” Gore-Tex nasal implant. It is also ...

Sili-Tex (Chimera) Monoblock Implant | Face Surgery

Chimera implants (Sili-Tex) come in a one-piece U-shape or oval model, are composed of ePTFE composite materials at the surface, and are biocompatible ...

Rhinoplasty 鼻整形手術 | 衛教單張

Chimera nasal implant: Chimera is made of silicone coated with Gore-tex ... Septal nasal cartilage: It can lengthen the nose and make the nasal tip higher.

Rhinoplasty 鼻整形手術| 衛教單張

Chimera nasal implant: Chimera is made of silicone coated with Gore-tex ... Septal nasal cartilage: It can lengthen the nose and make the nasal tip higher.

Structural Rhinoplasty

Goretex-based nasal implants come in two categories: Chimera and all-Goretex implants. Chimera implants have an inner layer of silicone and an outer layer ...

Chimera Rhinoplasty

Chimera nasal prosthesis improves traditional silicone models by wrapping Goretex material around the silicone, combining the support of silicone with the ...


Anenlargednasaltipisalsocalleda'garlicnose'or'waxapplenose'.Thisconditionfeaturesflatteningoftheloweralarcartilageandsurroundingtissue.,人工材料包括:矽膠(Silicone)、ePTFE(Gore-Tex)、聚乙烯(MedporePolyethylene)、卡麥拉鼻模(Chimera-外層為Gore-Tex、內層為矽膠Silicone)等。在鼻整形中較常採用的自 ...,卡麥拉鼻模(Chimeranasalimplant)為一複合式鼻模(Compositeimplant)。內層為矽膠(Silicone)核心,外層為...